Dynamic descriptions of adc and chip selecting method 动态描述与器件选取方法
Chip select generator 片选信号自动生成
In the design of this project , the author has participated in the following works : the system design , chips selected , and making schematic circuit diagram of the interface hardware , and pcb design 、 debug , and the fpga control - program design , system testing and debugging , and some drivers of wince . this paper will introduce the principle of the dvb - t series standards firstly , then the sketchy design of the system will be stated 本人主要从事系统设计,接收板硬件原理图及印制电路板( pcb )设计制作并调试, fpga控制程序设计, wince部分驱动程序开发和系统联调等工作。本文在介绍数字地面电视广播( dvb - t )相关标准的基础上,阐述了系统总体设计,软硬件实现具体方案与原理
It has been playing an important role in equipping all kinds of arms and services for campaigns , tactical exercises and emergent actions etc . based on the detailed analysis of the exchange ' s architecture and implementing , this thesis points out some disadvantages of the device , such as too many absolute components , not very high enough reliability and security , very large size and weight , operating and maintaining difficultly . considering low power requirement and man - machine interface optimizing design at the same time , the thesis come up with an integrated design scheme to the previous device based on " mcu + cpld / fpga architecture " : ( 1 ) signal frequency dividing , timing frequency producing , 20 customers " led states controlling are implemented in cpld ; ( 2 ) decoding , latching data and controlling signals are implemented in cpld by bus interface between mcu and cpld ; ( 3 ) chip selecting principles and mcu idle mode design are completed under the consideration of low power requirement ; ( 4 ) operation by chinese lcd menus is adopted in the man - machine interface 本项目以该交换机为研究对象,在详细分析原设备的系统结构和功能实现方式的基础上,指出该机型在使用过程中存在技术相对陈旧、分立元件过多、可靠性和保密性不够、体积大、重量大、维修困难等问题,同时结合系统的低功耗需求和优化人机接口设计,本文提出基于“单片机+ cpld fpga体系结构”的集成化设计方案:在cpld中实现信号音分频和计时频率生成电路、 20路用户led状态控制电路; cpld与单片机以总线接口方式实现译码、数据和控制信号锁存功能的vhdl设计;基于低功耗设计的器件选型方案和单片机待机模式设计;人机接口的lcd菜单操作方式。
chip: n. (摔跤时)用绊腿把对方摔倒的一种技巧。 vt. ( ...select: vt. 选;选择;挑选;选拔。 Her father l ...chip select input: 组件选通输入; 组件选择输入chip-select controller: 芯片选择控制器chip-select generator: 芯片选择信号产生器chip-select input: 切片选择输入no select: 没有选择select: vt. 选;选择;挑选;选拔。 Her father let her select her own birthday present. 她的父亲让她自己挑选生日礼品。 vi. 挑选,选择。 adj. 1.挑选出来的;精选的;极好的。 2.〔口语〕爱挑三拣四的;挑剔的。 3.苛择的;入会条件苛刻的。 a select crew 一批精选的水手。 be select in choosing one's friends 择友谨慎。 select wines 精选的酒。 n. 1.〔口语〕精选品;顶好的货色。 2. 〔常 pl.〕被挑选者。 select by: 参考选择; 选择方式chip: n. 1.碎片,削片,薄片;碎屑;薄木片;无价值的东西。 2.(陶器等的)缺损(处)。 3.(赌博用)筹码;〔pl.〕〔英俚〕钱。 4.〔pl.〕〔口语〕炸马铃薯片。 5.(作燃料的)干牛[马]粪。 6.集成电路唱片[块]。 7.〔口语〕小粒金刚石[水晶]。 a chip of [off] the old block (脾气等)完全像父亲的儿子;一家的典型人物。 (as) dry as a chip 枯燥无味的。 buy chips 投资。 cash [pass] in one's chips 把筹码兑现;〔俚语〕死。 chip in porridge [pottage, broth] 无关重要的东西,可有可无的东西。 do not care a chip for 毫不介意。 have a chip on one's shoulder 〔美俚〕盛气凌人;好打架;好争吵。 have one's chips on 孤注一掷。 in the chips 〔美俚〕有钱的。 let the chips fall where they may 不管后果如何。 when the chips are down [get on the line] 万不得已的时候,紧急时候。 vt. (-pp-) 1.切,削,凿,刻。 2.把…削成薄片;弄缺(刀口,瓷器等)。 3.〔口语〕戏弄;挖苦。 4.(鸡雏等)啄碎(蛋壳)。 vi. 1.出现缺口。 2.碎裂,瓦解,破碎 (off)。 chip at 对准…打,谩骂。 chip in 〔口语〕插嘴,加入(打架等);捐助;拿钱赌 (They all chipped in to buy it. 大家都要买了)。 chip off 切下来,削下来。 n. (摔跤时)用绊腿把对方摔倒的一种技巧。 vt. (-pp-) (用绊腿)摔倒(对方)。 chip at: 拿取笑chip in: 插嘴, 捐助, 下赌注; 近击入穴; 近穴击入; 捐献钱财; 下注on chip: 片上; 片装on-chip: 片上;芯片上auto select: 自动选择automatic select: 自动选择band select: 波段选择bank select: 触排选择; 存储体选择; 音色库选择ch select: 通道选择clk-select: 时钟选择信号digit select: 数位选择digital select: 数字换算; 数字选择dimension select: 维数选择direct select: 直接手动选档direction select: 方向选择